biocell-research is:

Specialized in aquatic microorganisms production though a proprietary technology, Biocell-Resarch produces valuable biocompounds for health, cosmetic and crop protection

Located in the South of Israel BioCell-Research was created in 2019 around a production technology developed since the beginning of the decade 2010, by the founders. BioCell-Research Ltd. is totally financially independent.

Our first research focus was the production of secondary metabolites pharmaco-active isolated from cyanobacteria. Most of them are used as anti-cancer and were co-developed with the faculty of pharmacy of Paris V University. Collateral research focused on the valuation of by-products of our first production batches. It is within this framework that we have developed excellent biostimulants and biofungicides.

Our research on other strains of microorganisms has led to the discovery of patentable extracts and molecules with anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and antiangiogenic activities.