Joseph A. Duran
co-Founder operational manager
Joseph began to work since 2018 to develop Biocell-R. He was then serving in IDF where he learnt to manage on operational environment technology and manpower. With a strong experience in logistics and maintenance of high-tech equipment, he developed the idea of producing microalgae biomass in Israel on behalf of a family research company positioned in the biotechnology sector since 2001.
Dang Quoc Thai
PHD in Chemistry & pharmacognosy
Dang participated since 2014 in the development of research programs on behalf of the company Phycopharma. In addition to his skills in analytic and synthesis chemistry, he masters the operation of photobioreactors.
Robert Goldstein
PHD in biology
Robert has conducted research in biology since 2010 at Phycopharma. Graduated from Imperial College (UK) and Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He participated in several collaborative programs in oncology including with NOVARTIS.
Sylvie Michel
Professor at Paris Descartes University
Sylvie is director of the chemistry of natural substances team, Director of the Chemistry and Physicochemistry of Medicines department, Member of the COST CM 1407 management committee “Challenging organic syntheses inspired by nature – from natural products chemistry to drug discovery.
Dov Rapoport
(M.Sc.), Life Sciences & management